
MAISON de la DANSE is an independent platform for dance, organized and curated by Dance is Ancient in Malmö, SE. MAISON de la DANSE is at the moment mobile in the city. We welcome all audiences to a broad range of activities, including performances, workshops, works-in-progress, conversation and open house days

Our artist-led, independent platform for dance in Malmö, reimagines what a house for dance can be. We invite the audience to access, participate in and witness all stages of artistic processes, through innovative formats and a broad range of activities. In this frame:

- we curate our own work by reviving repertoire pieces, creating new works, assembling dance concerts that compile excerpts from the repertoire, presenting work-in-progress and excerpts of future creations.

- we rehearse our present and future projects

- we offer workshops in Technosomatics or other dance practices to both general and professional audience

- we curate and present the work of other artists, who we invite in various public event formats

- we propose to the audience formats that combine performance, dance practice, artist talks and discussion, that way giving a comprehensive insight into artistic processes

- we propose events that combine electronic and techno music with performances

- we invite the general audience to participate into the production of knowledge and critical discourse

- we offer all our activities free of charge.

The project started 2 years ago, with our first public events programme, Context 2022, which offered a 1,5 month programme of performances, workshops and artist talks. Since 2023, we offer two blocks (spring and fall) of activities per year. We locate most of our activities at Ungdomens Hus, in which we rent spaces from Malmö Stad. The gorgeous, historical Festsal is where most of our activities take place. Occasionally, we move our activities to other venues, depending on collaborations and projects..


We are reviving performances from both our current and past repertoire, creating new ones and inviting guest artists.

The pieces from our own repertoire are sometimes presented in their original version but are also often re-explored and shred into a unique light. Frédéric selects extracts, fragments, reworks them, alone or with new performers and/or explores new combinations. The work that is presented in this context contains therefore a part of uniqueness and can be transient, transitory. Some works are even specifically created for La Maison de la Danse. When integrating La Maison de la Danse’s space, dances never stop evolving, never die either, but they are also unique, never twice quite the same, both unprecedented and unfollowed. The performances presented in this context are also brought to the stage with a very limited technical set up, bringing forward the very essence of the dance and offering a more intimate setting.

The work from guest artists are either finished or in development and are also presented in a simple and intimate setting. They resonate with Frédéric’s universe and sensibility and create, together with the rest of the programmation, a space for meeting, discussion and exchange, both between the artists and with the audience. The Spring and Autumn 2023 will therefore witness, among other things, a partnership with MARC and its artists.


We are sharing Frédéric’s practice, Technosomatics and develop specific audience-based workshops.

Frédéric has a 30-year international carrier as a dancer and choreographer. They have a developed specific techniques, approach to dance as well as a practice, Technosomatics. They have taught in Sweden and abroad, in dance MA and MBAs and towards the general audience in partnerships with festivals, theaters etc. In the frame of La Maison de la Danse, we open the doors to anyone interested and curious and Frédéric shares their experience, knowledge and unique vision of dance. Most workshops are accessible to anyone with an appetite for dancing to techno, without level restrictions and bring together curious minds and professional dancers alike.

Technosomatics is a dance practice and a technique of transe developed by Frédéric Gies. We are offering it as single workshops, regular practice and intensive workshops. Since 2023, Frédéric is also developing audience-specific workshops, often base on a specific dance piece. The 2023 teenager’s workshop will for instance be based on the performance Ribbon Dance from 2015.


Club, lectures, talks, contexts, open-rehearsals, techno breakfasts, projections, related shows and more…

La Maison de la Danse is not just a performance house nor a teaching studio. It is, first of foremost, a place to gather, meet, and share. It is the place where Dance is Ancient’s community has the space to find itself and to thrive. It is the place where our artistic core and team can meet and connect with their audience and where they both can learn from each other.

Performances and workshops are often preceded or followed by a time for sharing. It can be by talking, eating together or dancing together in another setting. We also organize specific events and activities that are neither really performances nor workshops. All of those are focused on the audience and offer a different time and economy of being together.

Possible events are plenty and changing, and they can also depend on the demand from our audience. Do not hesitate to come and build with us what you want to emerge at La Maison de la Danse!

Discover this season’s “Extras” on our schedule